A European Project on
Human Rights and Physical Health
of Residents in Psychiatric and Social Care Institutions
Funded by
the European Commission, DG Sanco
a project funded by the European Commission


The overall primary objective of this project is to contribute to the improvement of conditions in institutions in Europe for people with mental ill health, mental disability or dependency, and to communicate these findings to all relevant stakeholders.

General Objectives

Our general objectives are to:

(1) establish a pan-European network of sites committed to action to improve the quality of care related to mental health institutions

(2) pilot and finalise a practical method of assessing best practice in institutional settings in relation to (a) human rights and dignity, and (b) general health status

(3) ensure-that these methods are suitable for wider, future use throughout EU via an effective dissemination strategy for the project results to maximise the policy impact of the work in the context of the Green Paper Green Paper - Improving the mental health of the population. Towards a strategy on mental health for the European Union (COM(2005) 484 final of 14 October 2005).

Strategic Objectives

Our strategic objectives are to

(1) use these assessments to gather comprehensive information at the national and the local levels on what factors are necessary to ensure that practice is (a) brought up to minimally acceptable levels, and (b) then subject to continuing quality improvement

(2) use multiple channels of knowledge transfer to successfully make the results of this project available to all those able to benefit from them in EU member states, including the Commission services, and in pre-accession states, and

(3) to create a method of institutional assessment that can be used on an ongoing way in the future to assess whether care standards are improving as intended or not, and to support with evidence future recommendations for policy enhancement in this area of health and social care.
