A European Project on
Human Rights and Physical Health
of Residents in Psychiatric and Social Care Institutions
Funded by
the European Commission, DG Sanco
a project funded by the European Commission

Work Package 5 "General Health Status"


To design and test an instrument for assessing general health care of residents in institutions for people with mental ill health, mental disability or dependency in relation to physical health promotion and prevention, and access to health care.

Overall Strategy and Methods

The Work Package consists of the following steps:
  1. Conduct a thorough literature review
  2. Undertake an international survey of current inspection assessment schedules
  3. Contact with relevant organisations
  4. Design and pilot a data collection schedule to identify best practice in relation to general health care, to be used at the national and local levels
  5. Assess, through the use of inspections using the schedule a new assessment method to be organised at Project Partner Sites, the condition of residents in institutions in relation to general health status conducted by staff at the local Partner Sites. Specifically we shall assess:
    • what policies are followed and where responsibility lies
    • assessment of risk factors, screening and diagnosis of physical disorders/illnesses and provision of appropriate care

Responsible Partner

University of Verona - Department of Medicine and Public Health - Section of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, Verona, IT