A European Project on
Human Rights and Physical Health
of Residents in Psychiatric and Social Care Institutions
Funded by
the European Commission, DG Sanco
a project funded by the European Commission

Kenniscentrum 'Phrenos'

Centre of Expertise on treatment, rehabilitation and recovery of people of severe mental illness

Utrecht, NL

Phrenos Centre of Expertise was founded in 2010, as a result of the merger of two Dutch organizations: the Centre of Expertise on Rehabilitation and the Schizophrenia Foundation. Phrenos is supported and partly funded by 32 large mental health institutions from all parts of the Netherlands.

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Mission Statement

The centre of expertise defines its mission as: Gathering, stimulating, developing, disseminating and implementing knowledge and expertise on treatment, recovery, rehabilitation and community support of people with severe mental illness.

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Team Members


Phrenos Centre of Expertise
Da Costakade 45
Postbus 1203
3500 BE Utrecht

Phone: 030 2931 626
Fax: 030 2936 322
Email: kcr(at)kcphrenos.nl